Wednesday, December 24, 2014

identity- lego mashup

I'm not sure how to save it but for the video mash up, I put the first girl one and the alien conquest for the sound. It was funny to watch a video with girls and everything pink and then hear sound effects and voices that were masculine. It really shows that our genders are stereotyped. Every girl is thought to like pink and be kind and sweet. Every boy is thought to like blue, be tough and want to win.

identity- blog 5

As soon as a baby is born, the gender is discovered. Immediately the wall paper of the nursery is chosen and so is the clothes. Blue for the boy and pink for the girl. As the child starts to make friends and play with others, they realize they are being taught that dolls and tea parties are for girls and trucks are for boys. It is hard for most of us to get out of our comfort zone. If a girl cries it is socially okay but if a boy does, they are treated differently as not as tough. I personally don't think that is fair because we all have feelings.
Identity occurs everywhere! Since the beginning of time, there have been stereotypes.  Between the early 1900's to the 1980's or so, women would stay home and cook and the men were going off to work. Identity changes just a little bit as the years go on but so does everything else. Now almost all females go to a job.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Why am I here

I enrolled in EDU 106, knowing I needed a technology fluency course. However, I did not realize that it was going to be about writing blogs and learning how to use different websites/tools. The first week I was very confused and frustrated but after learning how to navigate through the websites it got easier. I am glad I stayed in the class. I am learning a lot and can't wait to start learning how to create a website.

I plan to be an early education teacher in a kindergarten or first grade classroom. Everything is based around technology now so in 7-8 years it will be even more involved. When I am a teacher, I will need to educate my students on the evolving technology that will be present at the time. This course is going to help me learn to help myself in technology.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

reaction to boyds article

Before the article even starts, at the top of the page it says, “ 'If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist'- Skyler, 18, to her mom". I felt a flashback come to me. I was in 8th grade and I really wanted a Facebook because everyone else had one. Face it, we all did this because our world maneuvers around technology and social media.

In the article, Boyd talks about Identity performance. I like when she said " we take the body for granted". As we hit about 12, 13, we start having to learn to communicate online. We don't have the gestures and " the act of articulation differs from how we convey meaningful information through our bodies". We get so used to this and then bullying happens. Sometimes information is misinterpreted and others see posts that are thought to be bullying but it is really sarcasm. We all need to think very hard of what we put online.

Monday, October 27, 2014

my view on technology

Technology can do two things, help us learn and distracts us from our daily lives.

Us human beings are all very busy people. We have work, school, errands, and sleep. We should be doing what we need to do, but instead were worried about what we are missing out on with social media websites like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc. There is always time later to get updated on what is going on away from where we are. This distracts us from doing what we need to do presently. Don't lie, we all do it. We get in trouble at both work and school by using technology.

However, technology does not only distract us. If we are using it for learning purposes it can actually help us tremendously. A lot of the classwork/homework in school comes off websites that teachers either created or got instructed to use from the school. Technology has gotten better and better at helping us learn. Believe it or not, news websites really teach you a lot about what is going on around us. The weather is useful at preparing us on what to wear or where to go/what do to. Current events are put on the news to educate society on both the good and bad things happening. The radio, television, internet and telephone are all terrific methods of communication.

Some people who have special needs or are disabled in a certain way need assistive technology to help them with their daily lives. Ipads have programs and apps that help with education purposes. Electronic Wheelchairs are a huge piece of technology that benefits someone who cannot walk. People who cannot express what they need can use technology  with pictures and buttons to show it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

module 3- analysis of reading

New Literacy

I always knew that a lot of stuff is based online. However, after reading this article, I learned that there is and will be much more online rather than books. In the article it state, "literacy is not just “new” today; it becomes “new” every day of our lives". everyday, society needs to learn how to use different forms technology because inverting is updated. This can go with emails, new apps, browsers, search engines, wikis, and blogs. We need to know how to do all of  this if we are going to succeed in and out of school.

I thought it a very good idea when the article suggested to "start teaching new literacies as early as possible". Just like anything else, the earlier someone starts, the easier it is to do when an adult because they are use to it.

Monday, October 20, 2014

twitter chat

It was hard to decide on a twitter chat to do a blog on. I really like Disney movies, whether cartoon or with real people so I decided to do a hash tag on #WaltDisney. On television, they rarely shows old movies anymore and its sad. The whole concept of Disney would have never started if it wasn't for Walt Disney. He was the founder. Also, Disney World is one of my favorite vacation spots. Just like everything else, things change over time. Everything forms around the generation that is present.

You can see from the first picture here, that someone wants this Pinocchio book from Etsy. This book is an older one and when something is older, it builds value. Twitter could help people sell things and make money (not only with Disney products). There are many different purposes of twitter and this is an outcome of technology.
 Walt Disney wrote some very inspirational quotes. you can see on the 3rd picture, some people tweeted about the quotes and its significance. Both kids and adults can use these quotes to pursue challenges when they are in a difficult time in their life.

 People from all over the country love Walt Disney. You can see from the fourth picture below. Here, they are giving him credit for what he has done. Twitter chats can involve people from all different ages and countries.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

(module 2) generations with technology

I would like to start off by saying, when I was younger about 4 or 5, there was only your basic PC computer (desktop). All my friends and I were cool if we had that 180 box of crayons with the built in sharpener or even the newest "hit clips". Now, 5 year olds are walking around with iPods and iPhone's. Sure they could be their parents', but a lot of the kids I babysit have their own. I would say probably at least 80% of children today know how to use this new technology and they don't even have to know how to read. 

When I was between 8-11 none of my friends had any forms of social media. Some of us had an email address or AIM that we would chat on at night with our friends. Nowadays, I see younger kids on instagram posting pictures. Some of their parents just give them these sources of technology and either don't know what their kids are doing or don't care because its what everyone else is doing.

Generations are changing and I feel that by 2030, our children or even grandchildren are not going to own paper books, board games or regular stuffed animal toys.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

learning using technology- analysis of reading (model 2)

I listened to the lady, Elyse talk on the first link under module 2 (How New Digital Media and the Internet are Fueling an Innovative Surge in Communication, Creativity and Collaboration).
She mentioned how when/if we are an education teacher and teaching a classroom, technology is going to be a major part of learning. Elyse tells us that even writing is a technology. We created it! Us teachers have to learn how to use these new digit tools before any of our students do. We then have to teach the students how to use them (the tools). Sitting here and blogging, I feel I am way behind on technology. Many people know what a blog is starting at the age of 12 and I'm so new to this. However, I'm glad that I am learning.

Technology is making our lives a lot easier. Elyse mentioned how when someone use to write a book (before the advances we have today), there were all different roles: authors, editors, publishers, designers, marketers. Now one big thing does this for us called a computer! This is making it easier to also learn. I like how Elyse stated "we're all learning from each other". I agree because anyone can post something on the internet and read/ comment. We all can also contribute.

Elyse talks to us about how learning is becoming easier and I agree. Anyone "can link computers together to collaborate among people to build content". I thought about this. There are also flaws however in being able to do this. A very educated and thought out piece of writing could have unprofessional or incorrect information added. None of us have ever met so we don't know.

I started to really think hard when Elyse was talking about how even though these new tools are coming out to help, it does not automatically mean you will be a great writer. I like how she said "its not about the tool, its about what you are going to do with the tool". People are starting to get lazy because of technology. My grandma even tells me to put my calculator away and use my brain. We all need to have study and prepare just like before!